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Recurring payments can be stopped at any time from your account

Board Game Arena is dedicated to bringing the joy of board games to a global audience. To achieve this, we offer our core service for free. However, to sustain our operations and ensure fair compensation for game creators and publishers, we rely on the support of our Premium members. By subscribing, you directly contribute to the platform's growth, enabling us to expand our game library, improve our services, and continue to promote the wonderful world of board games.

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Check out the FAQ below for answers to Premium membership questions.

What are "Premium Games" on Board Game Arena?
Why are some games Premium?
I want to play with someone from the same place: should I buy 2 Premium memberships?
How is a Premium membership billed?
How do I cancel my membership?
I do not want to renew. When should I cancel my membership?
I have a Premium membership, but received a Gift Code (or I want to use my Gift points): what happens if I use them?
Why can I not buy just 1 month using PayPal or iDeal?
Does having a Premium membership give me an advantage in card draws or dice rolls?
Why is playing from the same location restricted to Premium users?
What is 'hotseat' mode?
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