vichy* Welcome to P.I.! *
PI. is a deduction game in which each player competes to be the best private detective in town.
vichyA complete game consists of three mini-games.2archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment001minigamecounter 2
vichyIn each one, players must try to solve their case by finding the * suspect *, the * crime * they committed, and the * place * where they are hiding.
And the players must hurry. The fastest investigators score more points than their opponents.3agentarea_1000minigamecounter 2
vichyThe board is divided into areas of the city (China Town, Downtown, Rick's cafe ...) and in each one it is possible to get information about a suspect, a place and a crime.4tilestock_item_66001
vichyOn their turn, each player can take one of three actions:
- can mobilize one of their investigators
- choose a clue card
- or can try to solve the case1evidence_item_6361c879195a44b00
vichyEach player has five investigators that they can use throughout the game.
!!! No more investigators can be retrieved or obtained, so use them wisely!2player_board_1702113861c879195ac7b00
vichyMobilizing an Investigator provides information about your case at that location (suspect, crime and place).3agentarea_1161c879195ac7b00agentarea_11 2
vichyIf a card in the case matches the tiles in an adjacent location, a cube will be placed.
[tip] In this case, by taking the investigator to Downtown, three clues have been obtained: the suspect, the place where is hiding and the crime committed are found on the tiles surrounding Downtown. All the correct tiles are adjacent, they can't be any of the tiles in that location either.4agentarea_1161c879195ac7b00agentarea_11 2
vichyIf a card in the case matches the exact tile, a disk will be placed.
Please place an investigator at the Trocadero.5agentarea_461c879195ac7b10btn_place_investigator 2 agentarea_4 2
vichyThe second possible option on your turn is to select a clue card. The difference with the investigator is that it only gives information about a suspect, a crime or a place (depending on the type of clue you have chosen) and associated with that exact tile.3evidence_wrap61c8794fe2a1400evidence 2
vichy[tip] The cubes and discs that are obtained with the visit of an investigator are not assigned to any specific clue.
Since there are no leads of any suspect in the Trocadero, it can be deduced that this case is a Smuggling case * OR * the suspect is hiding in the Trocadero. But for now it is not possible to know which of the two, it is necessary to investigate more.
vichyIn this case, Kidnapping is one of the parts of your opponent's case (that is why instead of a cube on this card a disk has been placed).1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment61c879606519600
vichyAt all times and from the beginning of each mini-game you will be able to see which case your opponent has to investigate. They are located at the bottom of the board.
[tip] These cards will give you clues for yours (by elimination, if they are part of their case they are not part of yours ...)
When there is more than one opponent you will see the case of the player on your right.2archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment61c879606519600
vichyLet's move on. Pay a visit to Bubbles to see what she tells you...
Please select the Bubbles clue card.3evidence_wrap61c879606519610evidence_item_10 2
vichyThe information Bubbles gives you is that the suspect in your case is on the adjacent tiles. That is, it will be Doc, Queenie or Dutch.
But if you remember, Queenie is part of your opponent's case, so you can rule her out now.1tilestock_item_2361c8797f8a06100tilestock_item_79 2
vichy[tip] Surely you already have an idea of how to deduce the information, but put yourself in the case of your adversary ...
From the information you see right now, you know that the suspect is adjacent to Frenchy and Pinky. There are only two tiles adjacent to both people at a time, and there are no suspects on one. So the suspect can only be Queenie.1agentarea_761c879c0a524a00
vichyFor your next turn, select the Trocadero as your hint. It will allow you to confirm if the information that your investigator obtained in the previous shift referred to the place or the crime of your case.2evidence_item_1461c879c0a5b5c10evidence_item_14 2
vichyYour clue card has been moved to your group of evidence cards. They are located at the bottom of the board. This occurs when this clue is not related to the case you are investigating, it is not even an adjacent tile.
But at least you already know that, in the case you are investigating, the crime is Smuggling...1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment61c879d39039300
vichyThe third option in the turn is to try to solve the case.
!!! Be careful, if the information is not correct you will get penalty points! You can see the penalty marker at the bottom of the board.1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment61c879f5db62500penalty_2 2
vichyThe first player to solve a case gets 7 points.
Players who solve the case in the same round will also get the same points.
The rest, if they solve it in subsequent turns, they will get fewer and fewer points, 5, 3 or 1, depending on the number of players.
If someone can't solve it, he gets 0 points.1vp_561c87a1c9f50100
vichyAs the round has not finished yet, you have the option of trying to solve your case. Right now you don't have enough information to take a chance.
You can also mobilize an investigator, but now for what? This mini-game is over, it is better to save it for the next ones.
So select a clue card at random to just end your turn. For example, click on the Ocean Drive card.2evidence_item_3061c87a1c9fc7010evidence_item_30 2
vichyAs you are the only player who has not managed to solve the case, you get 0 points.1vp_061c87a274443100
vichyThe mini-game is over, the board is cleared and a new mini-game begins.2locslot_402_cubes61c87a2748a3b00
vichyThe following mini-games follow the same steps.
vichyIn this mini-game both players solve their cases in the same round so they both get the maximum score.
vichyAfter the three mini-games the player with the highest score (total points minus points penalty) wins the game.
In the event of a tie, the player who has used the fewest investigators is the winner.
If the tie persists, the player with the fewest penalty points wins.
If there is still no tiebreaker, the game ends in a tie. 2archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment61c87a94881ab01
vichyAnd nothing more.
* Now you just have to show if you are the best investigator in town! *
(Please, evaluate the tutorial and if you still have any questions, ask me!)3tilestock_item_4361c87a94881ab01
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