thounWhen it's your turn, you will have 3 dice rolls1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment000
thounYou can gain points when you have three dice of the same number. Let's try to win 3 points with *3*.
Click on the *3* to lock them, then continue by rethrowing the other dice.3rethrow_button000
thounHearts allow you to regain life points, but we're already at full life (10) so we rethrow again1rethrow_button60dddb54c631e10
thounAs we did our 3 rolls, we have no choice but to resolve them1resolve_button60dddb5a3d9b200
thounWe end up with four *3*. For a group of three or more dice, we gain points equal to the number on the dice, plus one extra point for each matching die in excess of the required three (3 + 1 = 4 points).2dice660dddb5a3eb4400
thounThe other dice are useless in this case :
The *2* die is alone, and we need 3 of them to gain points
The *smash* dice smashes Monsters outside Tokyo when you are in Tokyo, and Monsters in Tokyo when you are outside.
Here, no one is in Tokyo so the smash is lost.3dice160dddb5a3f9a800
thounAfter resolving dice, we automatically enter Tokyo if no one is in Tokyo.
Now other players can smash you !4monster-figure-8617527960dddb5a416d500
thounOur opponent end its rolls with 4 *smash*, aiming our Monster in Tokyo !1archiveCommentElementPointerTargetInner60dddb7a0797c00
thounWe lost *4* hearts. Monsters can’t heal while in Tokyo, so we will leave to regain life on a later turn.1leaveTokyo_button60dddb7c4551910
thounWe left Tokyo. Since it was empty, our opponent entered Tokyo.
Entering Tokyo gives *1* point.
Starting your turn in Tokyo gives *2* points !1monster-figure-8432199960dddb7feb75f00
thounThe player in Tokyo can leave only when smashed.
After Meka Dragon smashed Space Penguin, it was asked to stay or leave, and decided to stay.1monster-figure-8432199960dddba357f2a00
thounAfter the *dice* phase and the *leave/enter Tokyo* phase, players can buy cards if they have collected enough energy with *energy* dice.2visible-cards60dddba357f2a00
thounAs a card was bought, another card is revealed from the deck : there are always 3 visible cards.1visible-cards_item_3260dddba65e3b700
thounYou can buy as many cards as you want, as long as you have enough energy for that.2pagemaintitletext60dddba65e3b700
thounLet's try to buy a card !
Lock your *energy* and rethrow the others.1rethrow_button60dddbac0083100
thounNo *energy* die on reroll, but a *heart* that could be useful as we are wounded.
Lock it and rethrow.1rethrow_button60dddbbc12b7b00
thounWe gain 3 energy, but cheapest card is at 5 (number on the top left corner).
The only thing we could do is *Renew cards* but it would cost us 2 energy. End this turn.1goToSellCard_button60dddbc1bf35b00
thounSpace Penguin starts its turn in Tokyo, and gains *2* points !1player_score_8432199960dddbc6e752d00
thounThe first player with *20* points wins the game!
Or... the last one alive! Players are eliminated when their life reaches *0*!2player_score_8432199960dddbc6e752d00
thounYou know now the basics of King of Tokyo !
Now try a real game to control your own Monster and smash your opponents to be the one and only King of Tokyo !3deck60dddbc6e752d00
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