victorlIn *Clash of Decks*, you use [blue]creatures[/blue] and [blue]incantations[/blue] to try to destroy the other player's [blue]fort[/blue].
[red]NOTE: This tutorial is for the original game. Some cards and rules have changed. In particular, incantations can only be played during the summoning phase; they can no longer be played during the assault.[/red]1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment000
victorlThe game begins with four rounds of drafting. In each round, four cards are drawn, and each player gets two.2archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment000
victorlIn the first round, we pick first. Pick *Aberration*. (We'll explain the cards in more detail later.)3card_6010card_6 8
victorlNext, our opponent picks two cards.1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment6196860868b6c00
victorlThey pick *Cyclone* and *Carapace*, and we got the last card (*Combustion*). Then we start a new round of drafting, and our opponent picks first.1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment6196861c8889700card_5 1 card_3 1 card_4 3
victorlThey pick *Scribe*. Let's pick *Reptile* and *Grrr*. (You pick them one at a time, so first pick *Reptile*.)1card_861968627c066c10card_9 1 card_8 8
victorlGreat! Our opponent got *Abomination*, and it's our turn to pick first again. You get the idea, so let's skip ahead to the end of drafting.1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment6196862b39c2100card_10 1
victorlAfter drafting, the cards you drafted are shuffled and your *Bastion/Fort* is placed in the [blue]leftmost position[/blue], *Bastion* side up.1card_84101149_3261968673a52a800
victorlOn your turn, you get [blue]mana[/blue] equal to the number of cards in your hand, including *Bastion/Fort*. However, the first player gets only 6 mana on their first turn. We began the drafting, so our opponent plays first, with 6 mana.2pagemaintitletext61968673a52a800
victorlThe play area consists of two [blue]lanes[/blue], each divided into two sides by a [blue]bridge[/blue]. Our opponent uses 6 mana to play *Abomination* to the lower lane. (The card's cost is shown in the upper left corner.)1card_106196868cbb39500card_10 1
victorlCreatures cannot attack on the turn they are played (we will see exceptions later), so our opponent's turn is over and it is our turn.2card_106196868cbb39500
victorlWe have 9 cards in hand (including *Bastion/Fort*), so we get 9 mana. Mana is spent to play cards.3pagemaintitletext6196868cbb39500
victorlYou can play a card only if it is one of the [blue]four leftmost cards[/blue] in your hand, not counting *Bastion/Fort*.4card_66196868cbb39500card_6 2 card_13 2 card_11 2 card_7 2
victorl*Abomination* is a nasty card: when it attacks, it does 6 [blue]damage[/blue]! (Trust me, this is a lot of damage.) Let's destroy it to prevent it from attacking. It has 4 [blue]health[/blue] (shown in the lower right corner), so we must do at least 4 damage to destroy it.5card_106196868cbb39500card_10 2
victorlWe can destroy *Abomination* by playing *Grrr*, *Reptile* and *Combustion*. Remember that we can only play the 4 leftmost cards in our hand. Play *Grrr* into the lower lane by first selecting *Grrr* and then selecting the lane to place it in.6card_76196868cbb39510lane22 8 card_7 8
victorlNow *Reptile* is the fourth leftmost card in our hand, so we can play it. Play *Reptile* into the lower lane.2card_8619686ad26d8e10lane22 8 card_8 8
victorlNewly played creatures are placed behind any creatures you already have in the lane. As we will see, creatures further from the bridge attack before those closer to the bridge.1phlane22_2619686b0609eb00phlane22_2 3
victorlNow *Combustion* is the fourth leftmost card in our hand, so we can play it. Unlike *Grrr* and *Reptile*, which are [blue]creatures[/blue], *Combustion* is an [blue]incantation[/blue]. When played, it targets a creature in play.4card_4619686b061b7500card_4 2
victorlSelect *Combustion* and then select *Abomination* as its target.6card_4619686b061b7510card_10 8 card_4 8
victorl*Combustion* does 2 damage to *Abomination*, as indicated by its [blue]attack value[/blue] in the lower left corner.1card_4619686b4f3cb201card_10 3 card_4 3
victorlAfter it is played, an incantation is placed in the [blue]rightmost position[/blue] in your hand.2card_4619686b4f3d8d00card_4 3
victorlWe spent 8 mana, so we have only 1 mana left. This is not enough to play any more cards. Our [blue]assault[/blue] begins automatically.3archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment619686b5004dc00
victorlDuring your assault, your creatures attack one at a time, first those in the upper lane, then those in the lower lane. Within a lane, creatures further from the bridge attack before those closer to it.4archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment619686b5004dc00
victorlEarlier we said that creatures do not attack on the turn they are played. However, *Reptile* and *Grrr* both have *Rage* (the toothy mouth icon in the box under their name). Creatures with *Rage* can attack opposing creatures on the turn they are played. *Reptile* is further from the bridge, so it attacks first.6card_8619686b5004dc00card_7 2 card_8 2
victorl*Reptile* also has *Sprint* (the glowing icon): when it attacks, it first moves to the front of the lane and adds the number of cards it passed to its attack value.7card_8619686b5004dc00card_8 2
victorl*Reptile* moved past 1 card (*Grrr*), so its attack value for this turn is increased by 1, for a total of 2. (Its [blue]base attack value[/blue], shown in the lower left corner, is 1.)8card_8619686b5011ed00card_8 3
victorl*Reptile* does 2 more damage to *Abomination*, for a total of 4 damage, enough to destroy *Abomination*.9card_10619686b5013b500card_10 3
victorlWhen a creature is destroyed, it is placed in the [blue]rightmost position[/blue] of its owner's hand.10card_10619686b5014cb00card_10 3
victorlAlthough *Grrr* also has *Rage*, it does not attack because there are no more opposing creatures in its lane. (*Rage* does not enable a creature to attack the *Bastion/Fort* on the turn it is played.)11card_7619686b5014cb00card_7 2
victorlIt's our opponent's turn. They summon *Scribe* and *Ogre* and then start their assault.1card_9619686d6924e700card_9 1 card_18 1
victorlOnly *Scribe* attacks (because it has *Rage*). Creatures attack the opposing creature [blue]nearest the bridge[/blue] in the same lane, so *Scribe* attacks *Reptile*.3card_9619686d6924e700card_9 1
victorl*Scribe*'s attack value is 3, so it does 3 damage to *Reptile*, destroying it.4card_8619686d694e0f00card_8 1
victorlIt is our turn. This time we have only 8 mana because one of our cards is in play. (The 1 unspent mana from last turn is lost: it does not carry over into the next turn.)6pagemaintitletext619686d69651200
victorlSummon *Aberration* and place it in the lower lane.7card_6619686d69651210lane22 8 card_6 8
victorlAfter summoning *Aberration*, we have only 1 mana left, so our assault starts automatically.1archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment619686f0c313900
victorl*Aberration* attacks first. Like *Reptile*, it has *Sprint* and *Rage*. It also has three other special abilities: *Berserk*, *Perforation*, and *Indestructible*. We describe these abilities later. (Hovering over the card shows an enlarged version of the card with explanations of each of its special abilities.)2card_6619686f0c313900card_6 2
victorl*Aberration* sprints past *Grrr*, increasing its attack value by 1, and attacks *Scribe* for 3 damage.4card_9619686f0c426700card_9 3
victorlBecause *Aberration* has *Perforation* (the arrow icon), it also damages the creature behind the one it attacked, so *Ogre* also takes 3 damage.5card_18619686f0c43fc00card_18 3
victorl3 damage is enough to destroy *Scribe*, so it is returned to the opponent's hand. (The excess damage--*Scribe*'s health is only 2--is lost.)6card_9619686f0c451b00card_9 3
victorlDue to its *Berserk* ability (the split shield icon), when *Aberration* destroys a creature, it attacks again.
8card_6619686f0c511800card_6 3
victorlThis attack does 3 more damage to *Ogre*, which destroys it.9card_18619686f0c511800card_18 3
victorlAlthough *Aberration* destroyed *Ogre*, it does not attack again: it was played this turn so it cannot attack the *Bastion/Fort* and there are no more opposing creatures in its lane.10card_6619686f0c524400card_6 2
victorl*Aberration*'s final ability, *Indestructible* (the blue spiral icon), means that it is not affected by incantations. (*Indestructible* creatures can be targeted by incantations, but they are not damaged by them.)11card_6619686f0c524400card_6 2
victorlNow *Grrr* attacks. Because there are no opposing creatures in its lane and it was summoned in an earlier turn, it attacks the opponent's *Bastion/Fort*.12card_7619686f0c559000card_7 3
victorl*Grrr*'s attack value is 1, so it does 1 damage to the *Bastion*.13card_91580472_32619686f0c803400card_91580472_32 3
victorlWhen the *Bastion/Fort* is damaged, it is [blue]moved to the right[/blue] in its owner's hand a number of positions equal to the damage done (1 in this case).14card_91580472_32619686f0c83b100card_91580472_32 3
victorlAfter our assault, it's our opponent's turn. They play *Carapace* and *Troll* into the lower lane. Then their assault begins.1card_36196871bd45e900card_3 1 card_17 1
victorlOnly *Troll* attacks (because it has *Rage*). It attacks *Aberration*, doing 3 damage. Although *Troll* has *Berserk*, it does not attack again because its attack did not destroy any creature.2card_176196871bd59f800card_6 1 card_17 1
victorlIt's our turn. Note that the damage to *Aberration* is gone: Damage on creatures is removed at the end of each turn.5card_66196871bd7b3000card_6 2
victorlDestroy *Troll* by playing *Annihilation* on it.6card_136196871bd7b3010card_17 8 card_13 8
victorlWe have 3 mana left. Play *Assassin* to the lower lane.1card_15619687330573b10lane22 8 card_15 8
victorlWith only 1 mana left, our assault starts automatically. *Assassin* attacks first, sprinting past *Grrr* and *Aberration* to add 2 to its attack value.2card_156196873bf29a000card_15 3
victorl*Assassin* attacks *Carapace*, and would have done 3 damage. However, *Carapace* has *Protection* (the shield icon), which reduces the first source of (nonzero) damage on it to 0.3card_36196873bf2c7900card_3 3
victorlFinally, *Aberration* attacks, first sprinting past *Assassin* to add 1 to its attack value, for a total of 3.5card_66196873c0099a00card_6 3
victorlSo *Aberration* does 3 more damage to *Carapace*, which destroys it.6card_36196873c00ba300card_3 3
victorlBecause *Aberration* destroyed a creature, it attacks again for 3 damage, this time attacking the opponent's *Bastion*.7card_91580472_326196873c01d8900card_91580472_32 3
victorlIt's our opponent's turn. They summon *Abomination* and *Vortex*, neither of which attack this turn.1card_106196876a02ede00card_10 1 card_14 1
victorl*Vortex* has a new kind of special ability: an *Aura*, denoted by the two arrows on either side of the *Sprint* icon. This means that *Vortex* gives the *Sprint* ability to the cards immediately on its right and left. However, *Vortex* itself does not have the *Sprint* ability.2card_146196876a02ede00card_14 2
victorlLet's destroy *Abomination* by playing *Gnome* and *Combustion*. First play *Gnome* into the upper lane.4card_166196876a02ede10lane12 8 card_16 8
victorlNow play *Combustion* on *Abomination*.1card_46196877cd747f10card_10 8 card_4 8
victorlNow our assault begins. First *Gnome* will attack and destroy *Abomination*, and then it will attack again, doing 2 points of damage to *Vortex*.2card_166196878020bd200card_16 3
victorlNow *Grrr*, *Assassin* and *Aberration* will attack the opponent's *Bastion*. *Assassin* and *Aberration* will sprint past each other, each adding 1 to its attack value.3card_7619687807730100card_7 3
victorlAlthough *Aberration* did 3 damage, the *Bastion* could only move 2 positions to the right. The excess damage is lost. When the *Bastion* is in the [blue]rightmost position[/blue], it is immediately destroyed: the card is flipped to its *Fort* side and moved to the [blue]leftmost position[/blue].10card_91580472_32619687807cab600card_91580472_32 3
victorlIt's our opponent's turn. They summon *Parasite* and *Scribe* and then begin their assault.1card_12619687a66b02500card_12 1 card_9 1
victorl*Vortex*'s *Aura* gives *Parasite* the *Sprint* ability, so *Parasite* sprints past *Vortex*, adding 1 to its base attack value. Because *Parasite* has *Splash* (the sword icon), it damages the creature adjacent to its target (i.e., in the same position in the other lane). So *Parasite* does 2 damage to *Gnome* and *Aberration*, destroying *Gnome*.2card_12619687a66da5f00card_16 1 card_12 1 card_6 1
victorlAlthough *Parasite* has *Berserk*, it does not attack again, because there are no more opposing creatures in its lane, and *Parasite* was played this turn, so it cannot attack the *Bastion/Fort*.3card_12619687a66e07200card_12 2
victorl*Vortex* attacks our *Bastion*, but its attack value is 0 so it does no damage. Then *Scribe* attacks and destroys *Aberration*.4card_9619687a670f7600card_14 1 card_6 1 card_9 1 card_84101149_32 1
victorlThe game proceeds in this way until one player's *Fort* is in the rightmost position of their hand. When this happens, the *Fort* is destroyed and the other player wins.5archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment619687a67274a00
victorlNote that a player with 5 or fewer cards in their hand can cause their own *Bastion/Fort* to be destroyed by playing the last card to the right of the *Bastion/Fort*.6archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment619687a67274a00
victorlWe have now covered almost all the rules of *Clash of Decks*, including all the special abilities in the *Starter Deck*.7archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment619687a67274a00
victorlOne rule that we did not cover is that incantations can be played during the assault, before or after any attack by a creature. To do this, click the "Start assault with Incantation" button above. Then step through the creature attacks by clicking "Continue assault with Incantation" until you want to play your incantation(s). You must, of course, have enough mana left to pay for it.8assaultWith619687a67274a00
victorlYou may also have a turn in which you have enough mana left to play another creature or incantation but do not wish to do so. In that case, you can click on "Start assault" above, and your assault will proceed without interruption. If you do this, you will not be able to play incantations during your assault.9assault619687a67274a00
victorlThat covers all the rules to play *Clash of Decks*. I hope you found this tutorial useful. Have fun playing! (You can see this game played out to the end by hitting "Continue" below.)10archivecontrol_editmode_centercomment619687a67274a00
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