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Board Game Arena is the largest online board gaming service in the world.
More than 11 million players to challenge on 1 famous board games.
Come to play Carcassonne, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, and many more!
This app provides the Board Game Arena gaming service inside an Android app. If you like it, we'll optimize it step by step to make it an even better app, so please support it :)
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Note: the latest version of the available games list is available here:
Carcassonne, Coloretto, Kahuna, Alhambra, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, Can't Stop, Stone Age, Puerto Rico, Amyitis, Haggis, Tobago, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, Troyes, Diam's, Hawaii, Dragonheart, Saboteur, China Gold, In The Year of the Dragon, Color Pop, Gomoku, Caylus, Seasons, United Square, Gygès, Jaipur, The Boss, Reversi, Hearts, Takenoko, Niagara, Quarto, K2, Expedition: Northwest Passage, Quoridor, Tournay, Battle Sheep, Yahtzee, Cinco, Backgammon, Senet, Machiavelli, Libertalia, Neutreeko, Perudo, Nautilus, Koi-Koi, P.I., Pylos, Elfenland, Djambi, Gear & Piston, Kabaleo, Targi, Thermopyles, Isaac, Checkers, Sobek, Hive, Tzolk'in, Chess, Spyrium, Tokaido, Time Masters, Armadöra, The Jelly Monster Lab, Hex, 6 nimmt!, Twin Tin Bots, Kalah, Through the Ages, 8 Masters' Revenge, Koryŏ, Hanabi, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Tash-Kalar, Quantum, Assyria, The Palaces of Carrara, Florenza: The Card Game, Lords of Xidit, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, Colt Express, Metromania, Dark Agent, Le Dernier Peuple, Bombay, Battle of LITS, Xiangqi, Keyflower, Logger, Dungeon Twister, Evo: The “Game no Name”, Nile, Four Color Cards, Madeira, Love Letter, Crazy Farmers, Hack Trick, Jump Gate, Belote, Oh Hell!, Dragon Line, KQJ, Legendary Inventors, Eruption, Celestia, Nippon, Go, Remember When, Bubblee Pop, Caribbean All Fours, Secret Moon, Russian Railroads, Nine Men's Morris, Tablut, Lines of Action, Incan Gold, Alveole, Takara Island, Lewis & Clark, Stir Fry Eighteen, The Builders: Middle Ages, Gaïa, Veggie Garden, Outlaws: Last Man Standing, Coup, The Battle for Hill 218, Battleships Pencil & Paper, Origin, Innovation, Roll for the Galaxy, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, Khronos, Solo, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, Signorie, Krosmaster Arena, Taluva, Hypnosia, Dice Forge, French Tarot, Guildes, Eminent Domain, 7 Wonders, Buttons, Briscola, The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade, The Builders: Antiquity, Penny Press, Blooms, Ponte del Diavolo, Tock, Not Alone, Clans of Caledonia, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, For Sale, The King's Guild, Kingdomino, Circle of Life, Siam, Dragon Castle, Saint Poker, Palace, Skat, La Granja, GORami, NXS, Sapiens, Mammalath, Finity, Yokohama, Red7, Ginkgopolis, Sushi Go!, Exploration: Warzone, Veletas, 99 (trick-taking card game), Teotihuacan: City of Gods, Marram, Potion Explosion, Papayoo, Rallyman: GT, Yokai, Con Sonar!, Bobail, Big Time Soccer, Connect Four, Marrakech, ToeShamBo, Coinche... and more!