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Recent Activity

About Hanabi Skills - 2b or not 2b

The world of Hanabi is in a critical situation at this point of time. Sham masters have arisen, growing like wild weeds, and abandonment is far too common and tolerated. In the midst of this chaos, there is still hope: the top elites has gathered together in attempt to weed out those charlatans. Today, we united in attempt to identify those precious gems, who are buried amongst their counterfeits, in order to give them new hope and to make our world a better place!


- Promote good sportsmanship (good manners, no abandoning, etc.)
- Platform for discussion and learning (yes masters can learn too!)
- Improve skills
- Meeting and getting to know reliable Hanabi players
- Forming a list of players who follow similar ideas in playing Hanabi
- Finding people who like discussing the game on a high level

This group is for experienced Hanabi players who know how to play and make few mistakes. :) Please keep debates friendly and treat other players with respect. If you make a lot of mistakes, or frequently do not follow the game, or frequently abandon games, you might be removed from the group.

Also, please report to a group admin all forms of cheating (or other misbehavior) you notice, including (but not limited to) table talking and private/secret communication of card information. We take cheating very seriously, and you will be removed from the group and in case of a BGA rules violation reported to the site administrators.

Guidelines for this group:
1. Be friendly, be sportsmanlike
2. No abandoning for ELO-boosting. Social reasons are accepted (i.e. someone has to go), but abandoning related to bombing, bad luck etc. are only acceptable if ELO is off.
---> Just because someone else proposed to abandon does NOT count as a social reason. Show courage!
---> Also, each player agreed at game start to finish the game. Abandoning requires an unanimous vote for a reason.
3. Play your best and try to improve :)
4. Discuss the game to learn and not to blame someone. Don't feel blamed when someone starts a discussion.

If you want to join or you (as a member already) think someone else should be in our group, you can message any of the admins privately. All nominated players will be reviewed by the admins before getting invited.
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