The registration for this private tournament is open
Multiplayer Elimination
Each match, a number of players qualify for the next round.
Private tournament
Members of group : BoiteàJeux
Number of players in a match
Number of players in a match (minimum)
Number of players to keep for each match
3 qualified players
Game maximum duration
30 days
Reputation required
☯ ≥ 85%
Level required
Average players and above
Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Turn-based • Fixed time limit
Time allotted to each player
5 days
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours)
Card set variant
Tactics variant
Professional variant
Game length
Starting score
Starting score
Number of rounds
3 rounds
Tournament agenda
03/30/2025 at 19:00: 6 nimmt! BAJ 6 qui prend à 6 Saison2-Season2 (Tournament draw + 7 matches)
Participants (41)
Recent Activity
Latest results
Multiplayer Elimination
Played | Skipped |