
Rules of Coinche

Coinche (or “belote coinchée”) is a 4-players game, in teams.

Players of the same team play one in front of the other.



There are 4 suits :


For each suit, there are 8 cards, from 7 to Ace, for which points and strengh are, in order:


For each round, a suit will be decided as being the “Atout” suit. The order and strengh of the cards then change, the Jack and the 9 being the strongest:


The sum of the cards is a total of 152 points, plus 10 for the last trick (“Dix de Der”), for a grand total of 162 points.

Step 1: the bidding

For example, un player bidding 100 Club, bets that his team will take 100 points if the trump is Club.

As the grand total of the points are 162, we can bid up to 160 (actually more, see “Belote” and “capot”).

Step 2: the card game

As the 4 players have 8 cards in hand, there are 8 tricks of 4 cards.

The tricks

This first players will play a card; other players, in order, must play a card, while following these rules:

Cutting (playing a trump on another suit) wins the trick; otherwise the strongest card of the initial trick’s suit is winnning.

Whoever played the strongest card wins the trick, and must start the next trick; this continue until the last (eighth) trick.

For example, if the bid is 100 ♣:


Here, since the player 4 has cut, they win the trick.

Note : Player 3, if he had a trump in his hand, would not be requided to cut, since hist partner currently had the strongest card (Ace ♥).

Step 3 : end of the round (8 tricks)

When players have played all their cards, it’s the end of the round, each team count the points.

Important : the last trick earns 10 points, which is named “Dix de der”.

Bid successful

If the team which won the bidding succeeds, it wins the bid points + the points done in the game.

The opposing team wins the point it did, too.

For example, if the bid is 100 ♣ for the team “Player1 & Player3”, and they have won 122 points:

Bid fails

If the team which won the bidding succeeds, it wins no point.

The opposing team wons the bid points + 160.

For example, if the bid is 100 ♣ for the team “Player1 & Player3”, and they have won 96 points:

End of the game

As soon as a team reaches 2000 points, the game stops; the winning team being the one with the more points.

The Coinche !

During the bidding phase, at any time, a player can “Coinche” (Double) the opposing team.

It means “I bet you wont win this bid !”.

In this case, the bidding phase is immediately stopped, and the game starts.

The scoring (win or fail) will then be doubled.

No-Trump (Sans-Atout - SA), All-Trump (Tout-Atout - TA)

Along the standard suits to bid (♥, ♦, ♣ or ♠), a player can bid with :

In both cases, the total is not 162 points; a division is done to put the total to 152, then the last trick still earns 10 points.

The Belote

The Queen and the King, for the trump suit, are called the “Belote”.

These cards still have the same value (3 and 4 points).

But, is a player have both cards (the trump royal couple) in his hand, he can declare them when playing them, and this will earn his team 20 points.

If the player declaring the Belote is in the team who won the bidding, these 20 points help them to won the contract !

We can play (and declare) the Queen or the King first, there is no incidence.

For example, if the bid is 100 ♣ for the team “Player1 & Player3”.

Player1 has the Queen and the King of ♣.

Tip : sometimes it’s a good idea not to declare the Belote to not give indication you have the other card of the royal couple.

Note : There is no Belote when playing “All-Trump” or “No-Trump”.